Special Projects

 Dental Clinic:  Health Ministry is an area we want to strengthen in Mongolia. We see potential to evangelize and reach the community through medical work. As we have developed Health expositions and Seminars in the local churches, now want to also develop actual places where people can receive medical care. With the suggestion of Dr. Lee, the NSD President, we have done the groundwork to start a Dental Clinic in Ulaanbaatar. This will be a great way to reach out to the people and also give employment opportunities for our church members. We are currently fund-raising for this project. We believe that this work could be the beginning of future medical centers, clinics and even a hospital. We believe this is the best way to reach modern and secular mindsets.


 Youth Training Center:  As it is projected on our Strategic Plan, we are developing a Youth Training Center where our church members, future leaders and children will be trained to do Evangelism. Mongolia Mission has acquired 60,000 square meters of land and laid out the construction plans. We started the first phase in April of this year and all the necessary approvals for construction have been obtained. This training center would not only be geared toward church members, but also would be focused on outreach activities. We believe this Training Center will serve many future purposes and enable us to minister to the churches, communities, children, youth and future pastors.


 Media Center:  Media is a powerful and effective way to reach the community. In 2014, we reestablished the Adventist World Radio at the Mission and have already produced around 400 hundred programs with more than 29.000 subscribers to our podcasts. Though these numbers are encouraging, there is a compelling need to reach the younger generation. We have already made the initial step to start a Media Center where our Radio and Video resources will be produced. This is an area where youth can be actively challenged to target people in the Cities. We hope this project will expand until the production of our Hope Channel.


 Junior College/ Vocational School:  Education that changes the human, School that changes the world! This is the vision statement of the first Adventist College in Mongolia. We are looking forward to train young people in obtaining life skills. Pastor Kim Suk Kon has been working on the establishment of this college since his retirement in Korea, in 2016. Sahmyook Junior College will offer one year courses for the following majors: 1. Culinary school; 2. Hair design; and 3. Publication design.

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